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Global Warming Misconceptions (eBook)
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Misconceptions on Global Warming
A book based on voluminous research and critical analysis of facts and studies by environmentalists, geologists and atmospheric scientists and even Al Gore. I am an energy analyst, and in the process of doing a study of NZ renewable energy I wanted to get a better grasp of this issue since it underpins the future viability of renewable solutions given the high upfront costs and the importance of carbon taxes to renewable viability.
Andrew Sheldon
A book based on voluminous research and critical analysis of facts and studies by environmentalists, geologists and atmospheric scientists and even Al Gore. I am an energy analyst, and in the process of doing a study of NZ renewable energy I wanted to get a better grasp of this issue since it underpins the future viability of renewable solutions given the high upfront costs and the importance of carbon taxes to renewable viability.
Andrew Sheldon